Contemporary AI investment tool designed for everyone who has a dream.
Art Direction | Web DesignContemporary AI investment tool designed for everyone who has a dream.
Art Direction | Web DesignThe new era of investment: smart investment AI. According to the investment purpose and different investment needs of customers, the investment tool provides two investment methods: target investment and strategic investment, so that people can build investment portfolios according to different investment needs, and grasp the global market trends on the same time to achieve their goal. AI will also track the market condition and product performance to provide adjustment suggestion to customers when necessary, so that customers can understand the status of their investments, and will not disrupt existing investing plan due to market fluctuations and irrational investing decision.
With dreams, people can achieve greatness.
The concept of the web design is "dream", even with small budget you could also make a dream of studying abroad or buying a house through investment. The rational color palette brings out the slogan "calm investment, passionate life".
The user experience was emphasized when users view the website from top to bottom. In addition to simplifying the information, each full screen shows certain information and makes people to concentrate on the particular information presented on the page.