
Present an image of shining handcrafted golf clubs under the sun with stunning aesthetics.

Art Direction | Web Design | Front-end

Circle Star

Circle Star is the sale agent of premium golf products, including fitting clubs and golf accessory. In the era of mass production, Circle Star focus on fitting, design, style, quality and detail, combining the best quality of materail with design aesthetics. The products not only make customers become a golf expert, but also an advanced player with unique personal style.

Circle Star 億錋 是高爾夫精品代理商,主要代理量身訂做的高爾夫球具及相關精品配件。在球具大量生產的年代,億錋強調量身訂做、風格、品質、細節,用最好的材質結合設計美學,讓消費者不只成為高球行家,更同時展現個人獨特品味風格。

Never have a club in your bag that you're afraid to hit.


Tom Kite

A golf club is not just a tool. It is a part of a player's body, transmitting his or her intentions and strength to the ball.



The one-page campaign website seems simple but needs to take more time on constructing the information arrangment and visial continuity. I extract the orange color from the color palette of Circle Star as the main color, combining with black to present a low-key and subtle visual experience. In order to highlight the features of detail, quality, and customization, the pictures are chosen to build a brand image with uniqueness and aesthetics.

網站設定是一頁式品牌網頁,內容單純但須考量到資訊呈現方式及視覺連貫性,愈簡單的架構有時候反倒需要花愈多心思。我將Circle Star企業色中的深橘色提取做網站主色調,搭配黑色表現品牌低調卻不失精緻的視覺感受。照片素材特別突顯細節、品質、訂製等品牌強項,塑造具個性及美感的品牌形象。