Daily probiotics as a modern and fashionable supply for urban busy people.
Naming | CI Design | Package DesignDaily probiotics as a modern and fashionable supply for urban busy people.
Naming | CI Design | Package DesignInSeed is a brand of probiotics products developed by Kei Sei Ken Biothechnology, which established by Dr. Tsai Ying-Chieh in 2004. Dr. Tsai devoted himself to the study of probiotics, and his research on the Lactobacillus plantarum PS128 obtains a patent which is proven to be able to regulate brain dopamine and serotonin, and to relieve melancholy, panic, anxiety, Parkinson's disease, and ASD.
There are five probiotics products with different characteristics and target customers in the market of Kei Sei Ken Biothechnology, and we are going to rebuild the brand image from the process of naming, CI, to packaging.
InSeed 益喜氏 是由惠生研生物科技公司研發的益生箘品牌,2004年蔡英傑博士成立惠生研生物科技公司並致力推廣益生箘,研發出專利菌株「快樂益生菌PS128」,經國家級研究單位動物實驗證實,能調節腦部多巴胺、血清素等快樂荷爾蒙,緩解憂鬱、恐慌、焦慮及巴金森氏症及泛自閉症症狀。
Dr. Tsai Ying-Chieh 蔡英傑博士Take care of the intestines, keep the diseases away.
腸道照顧好 百病不來找
Naming is an important process for a brand, it defines the concept and direction of a brand in the very beginning. The project starts from the brainstorming of a suitable name with the study of market analysis, target consumer, product features, etc. Eventually we imagine the probiotics as a seed which blooms in the intestine. The brand name InSeed is inspired from the concept of Inner Seed, a symbol of daily probiotics growing day by day in our bodies to protect us and keep us healthy.
命名是品牌最重要的開端,一個品牌的概念、定位、個性從名字就開始定義了。這個專案起初最重要的便是腦力激盪一個適合的品牌名稱,從市場分析、消費族群、產品特色等各方面發想。濃縮討論後,我們將益生菌想像為一顆種子,在腸道花園裡燦爛盛開,品牌名稱 InSeed 益喜氏 即是從Inner Seed複合概念出發,象徵每日補充益生菌就像種下身體所需的種子,一天天成長茁壯,成為保護身體、延年益壽的健康小尖兵。
The brand mark design extends the concept of InSeed with various seed image. The final decision is a logo by applying the letters of InSeed, focusing on two leaves on S to emphasize the meaning of seed. There are also different color palettes in CI guidebook to define different products for further application.
延續 InSeed 益喜氏 命名概念,CI設計也從種子發想各種表現形式,最後定案CI是直接以InSeed文字作為品牌標誌,突顯S上下兩片如同葉子般,象徵發芽茁壯的形象。Guidebook中也為五支產品設定不同的主色調,方便運用在後續的包裝設計。
Plant a Seed and Make a Change
種下腸道種子 讓一切更美好
The target consumers for the series is urban office workers. We break the design rules of related products in the market with subtle and elegant S ribbon which is consistant with the brand mark design, and we apply the holographic film on printing to express a hign-end quality.