
A journey through food to explore the memory and happiness in every minute.

Art Direction | Web Design | Front-end

Mayfull Food Corporation

Mayfull Food Corporation is a professional food supplier in Taiwan. Their services include wholesale, food service, retail, processing and logistics, especially the import of beef and other meat. Two restaurants Fresh & Aged Italian Steak House and 21 Beef Noodle, and the retail supermarket Mayfull Fine Foods under the corporation are known for their high-quality service. Moreover, Mayfull is the first to import and promote the technique of dry-aged beef in Taiwan. Mayfull stays true to a simple ethos : enjoying an aesthetics life with fine foods. Mayfull is a wholesaler, but it is expected that in the future people will recognize Mayfull as a brand of fine foods as well.

美福集團在台灣跨足倉儲、超市、餐飲、飯店等領域,尤其在肉品進口方面佔有領先龍頭地位。旗下餐廳Fresh & Aged Italian Steak House、愛‧熟成21牛肉麵,以及食材超市美福食集皆是以高端品質著稱,甚至國內牛肉界最頂級的熟成牛肉技術也是由美福引進推廣。美福集團的宗旨是以美食讓消費者感受生活時刻的”美好幸福“,未來也期望透過品牌建構從大宗批發商的角度逐漸深化至一般消費者的日常生活。

I believe food is emotional and something that should be shared. Not just the food itself, but also the intention behind every creation is meant to be shared.


André Chiang 江振誠


Food is like a magic for me because it is capible to connect people's emotion. A table full of fine food means more when we share with our closest friends, partners, and family. The concept inspires me to design the website, and I start everything with a slogan "Mayfull Food Ingredients, Everyday Happiness." Visually I am inspired by modern food styling, and expect to create a visual fine dining with simplicity and elegant color palette.

食物對我而言有一種牽繫著人與人情感的神奇魔力,一桌美食也因為跟我們最親密的朋友、伴侶、家人共享而顯得有意義。我從這個角度出發為美福集團發想網站設計,以「食材找美福,每天都幸福」一句簡單卻蘊含多層次意義的slogan開展。風格上我從歐美風行多年的food styling概念汲取靈感,以簡潔的線條與雅緻的色調形塑視覺上的fine dining。

From farm to table, the food means joy, satisfaction, and sincerely hope toward life.



I created Chinese and English official websites for Mayfull Food Corporation in 2014 and 2015. Due to different target consumers, we also help them to arrange different information structures. I follow the same visual style for two versions, and in 2015 I apply RWD mobile-first optimization for English version.
