
An Asian mermaid was born in the tropical island with bright eyes and elegant attitude.

Art Direction | Web Design | Front-end

BéBé Vivier

BéBé Vivier is the distributor in Taiwan for Colombian brand Caffé Swimwear. The brand established in 2004, and its luxurious design made it a big hit on the runway. The founder and designer Paula Saavedra fully demonstrates her passion for South American culture with her symbolic wild pattern. BéBé Vivier expects to introduce the swimwear fashion for Asian consumers to show unique personality during vacations. We start the branding from the perspective of Asian market, to explore a new identity, target consumers, communication language...etc. The goal is to create a swimwear fashion boutique for Asian women.

BéBé Vivier是哥倫比亞泳裝品牌Caffé Swimwear的台灣區總代理,Caffé Swimwear這個誕生於2004年的品牌將泳裝提升到伸展台的地位,每季固定推出系列商品,設計師Paula Saavedra以狂野奔放的圖騰風格充分展現其根源於南美洲的熱情特質。BéBé Vivier期望將歐美的泳裝潮流帶給台灣消費者,讓亞洲女性在海島度假時也能透過泳裝表現自我與個性。品牌操作從亞洲市場角度出發,重新定位形象、消費族群、溝通方式,打造一個屬於亞洲女性的泳裝時尚精品。

Caffé Swimwear is a concept of laid back luxury so we don’t really sell a product, we sell a lifestyle.

Caffé Swimwear表達的概念是一種休閒時尚,

Paula Saavedra


First of all we think of two different directions for the new brand BéBé Vivier : be a brand agent who keeps the personality of each distributed brand, or be a brand dominator who creates a whole new image. After we communicate with our client and evaluate pros and cons, brand dominator is the final choice for BéBé Vivier. This direction emphasizes the brand position and leads all distributed brands on the same wavelength. Visual presentation also breaks the border of a distributor, to create a new vision for BéBé Vivier.

針對品牌現況,我們企劃了兩個品牌發展方向:由各家代理品牌發聲的品牌經紀人角度,以及由BéBé Vivier主導所有品牌的品牌主導者角度。這兩種方向會有截然不同的發展模式,在經過溝通與評估討論後決定採用後者:品牌主導者。這個方向強調BéBé Vivier的品牌地位,並以其認同的觀點帶領所有代理品牌。視覺呈現也打破代理品牌概念,以BéBé Vivier的風格打造全新視野。


Japanese award-winning photographer Satoru Kondo takes responsible for the image and product photoshooting. After several model castings we select two Taiwanese models Zen Zhang and Xu Yin as the brand models. Zen Zhang's tanned skin tone and oriental look perfectly fit the image we are looking for, and Xu-Yin beautifully demonstrates the lightness of cover up pieces. Two of them both show a sense of fashion perfectly, and represent oriental beauty other than western standard successfully.

形象及產品攝影找來日本得獎攝影師近藤悟,經過幾次試鏡選定了兩位台灣名模連潔及徐尹擔任品牌模特兒。連潔古銅膚色及東方臉孔與Caffé Swimwear的狂野風格一拍即合,徐尹則是能夠把Caffé Swimwear罩衫的輕柔飄逸感表現淋漓。在專業攝影師的鏡頭下,兩位模特兒完美賦予品牌高級時尚感,更成功地塑造亞洲女性不同於歐美的東方美感。

Sunshine showers, tropical flowers bloom wildly, mysterious rainforest unveils gradually...



Any marketing strategies need to return to the product, so "making product shine itself" is one of my design principles. For the website design I apply black background for the brand image, as well as the white background for the product display. I believe the pure background could highlight the tailoring, detail, and pattern of every piece. In addition, there is a blog area named BV Insight for BéBé Vivier to convey fashion vision, and gain brand recognition and stickiness.

As a consumer brand, RWD cross-device accessibility is essential, so mobile-first strategy is implemented on the site to create a platform for displaying a high-end brand and meeting the modern trend.

任何行銷操作都需要回到商品本身,因此“讓商品發光”是我堅持的設計原則。網站製作我設定了黑色背景的品牌形象頁,以及白色背景的產品展示頁,單純的背景色突顯每件泳裝的剪裁、細節、圖騰。此外網站加入BV Insight作為品牌部落格,統一BéBé Vivier對外的品牌理念傳達,更加深消費者對品牌的認同與黏著度。

作為一個消費性品牌,RWD跨裝置無障礙瀏覽是必備的,因此整個網站也以mobile first概念執行,為BéBé Vivier創造一個具品牌高度、符合使用者趨勢的形象平台。