Return to nature, embracing and creating a landscape of life with body and soul.
Art Direction | Printing | Web DesignReturn to nature, embracing and creating a landscape of life with body and soul.
Art Direction | Printing | Web DesignDancing as a silent language to express all kinds of emotions and communicate with each other through the extension of human body, the subtle way of expression has been always fascinating to me. Wu Chien-Wei has been performing for several dance theaters in both domestic and overseas. As a young choreographer from Taiwan, he insists on establishing a contemporary dance theater rooted in Taiwan even though it's rather difficult to survive in the field of performing arts in Taiwan. "Tussock Dance Theater" which founded in 2013 named after the anthology "Tussock" by Lu-Xun, in expectation of being unyielding and strong like tussock. The philosophy is not to critisize toward things, but explore the movement relationship between bodies and Nature through the meditation of ourselves.
'Tussock Dance Theater' inscripted by Zhang Xiao-XiongBetween sky and earth, I am a clump of tussock in the storm of four seasons with my corporal body writing the poem of soul.
天地間 我是一叢野草 以肉身 四季風雨裡 書寫靈魂之詩
The first production by Tussock Dance Theater "Two Bodies" is choreographed and performed by Wu Chien-Wei and Xing Liang. Return to the initial state, the dance tries not only to draw a clear picture, but also to record or reconstruct the grayscale which could not be measured clearly in life.
For the logo design, I cut and deconstruct the structure of the four Chinese characters "兩個身體" to express the various interpretation of the dance concept. In order to focus on the interactive, pull and drag relationship between two dancers, I apply a pure tone of black and white color on the print. The print could be folded as a brochure, and spread out as a poster at the same time.
The second production by the theater entitled "The Time" is inspired by British journalist Mark Sanderson’s memoir Wrong Rooms. It is a story of love and loss, for within two years of meeting the love of his life, Sanderson helped his partner die after a three-month battle with an aggressive form of skin cancer. The choreography interprets a Western text from Eastern logic, to question what it takes to love in the face of death and whether the power of love can overcome death. Twelve perspectives were shown to explore the composition of love.
The design tries to present a sense of "sealed time." The time stays still at the subtle, dull moment with an affectionate embrace, looks like the impression of love has never been washed by time and history.
野草舞蹈聚落第二部作品《我們選擇的告別》以東方思維解讀西方文本,從情慾關聯找尋共鳴點,探討人之通性。舞作以英國作家Mark Sanderson小說Wrong Rooms為藍本,以書中主角在結束罹患絕症的伴侶生命前的十二次設問為主軸,探討愛的意義。舞作從十二問中釐出十二種不同的視角進行自我辯證:愛的成分是什麼? 聯結、授受、承諾、踐約?
How much must one love to take on the life and death of another?
愛 要有多深 才能擔負起死生相託?
Several image and text blocks are overlapping to structure the website layout. I apply different shades of black and white color to create the visual layers and to imitate the light and dark, complicated scenery of dance. No additional decoration, putting spotlight on the artistry and pureness of dance.
Taiwan PanoramaViewing with artistic vocabulary, dance beheld by the others, while observing others through his lens, Wu Chien-Wei reflected a unified poetic style between dance and photography.